7 Ways to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

7 Ways to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

By now - I am certain you have heard of Imposter syndrome. If you haven’t heard of it - you probably have felt it.

It is the nagging voice of self doubt that tells you

“I am a fraud”

“I don’t know what I am doing”

“Everyone is going to find me out” .

It was originally discovered in interviews with professional women. However, more research has shown that it occurs in all genders and across all racial, ethnic and age groups.

It is pervasive and it is persistent. It can keep us from achieving our goals, believing we should be involved and asking for more money, power or responsibility.

It is a treacherous combination of doubt, fear, insecurity and social pressure and conditioning (especially when you are a part of an under-represented population in your field or cohort).

So - now that we have named it - How do we work with it?

7 Ways To Conquer Imposter Syndrome


Try these out and practice, practice, practice.

The more you learn to acknowledge and talk back to the voice of Imposter Syndrome - the easier it will be to over-ride its lies.

Let me know which of these strategies work best for you -and which are the most challenging.

Good Luck and Good Practice!

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