Savoring Positive Feelings

Savoring Positive Feelings

As humans, we often have a negativity bias. We evolved to remember and weight bad experiences in the hope that in remembering them - we can avoid similar situations.

We can however - work and practice focusing on and deepening our positive feelings.

When we do not take the time to acknowledge or deeply feel positive feelings or emotions - we can forget or move past them without even noticing them. This leads us to chasing good moments or happy feelings only to find them fleeting and unfulfilling.

The practice of savoring helps us to notice, acknowledge, and deepen positive feelings. This in turn can boost our ability to feel happiness and joy as well as remember these times later.

Savoring is taking the time and really sinking into the good or positive feeling. It is like savoring a glass of wine or a nice meal - it is deliberate and decadent feeling.


How to Practice Savoring:

  1. Savor The Past - Let yourself enjoy positive memories. Remember times in your life or people in your life that brought you joy. Think of this as positive nostalgia.

  2. Sink Deeper Into The Moment - In a moment of happiness, joy or connetiton - take a moment to really feel it. Let your senses be engaged - what does it feel like? How can you allow even a little bit more pleasure, joy or connection?

  3. Take A SnapShot - Literally or mentally - take a moment to remember this moment and acknowledge it. Just even actively looking at a view for 20 seconds or trying to remember a memory or feeling can help us store and remember the moment better.

  4. Share It - Tell people that you are with about how your are feeling. Spread the joy! Or share about it on social media or talk about it later with loved ones. Sharing good news can help us amplify it.

  5. Visualize - Imagine yourself being happy, joyful and connected in a future trip or in something you are looking forward to.

  6. Journal - Share the joy with yourself! Write about a moment, memory or feeling that brings up positive emotions. Writing about it helps us store the moment and helps deepen its power.

  7. Celebrate -Acknowledge good things in your life through celebrations. These can be small or big, private or public. It is a way to honor your work and your happiness and incentivizes and deepens the feelings of pride, happiness and accomplishment.

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